Everything You Need To Know About The Zantac Lawsuits Situation
Zantac, a popular over-the-counter medication for relieving heartburn symptoms and chest pain, has been found to contain elements that increase the risk of cancer.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Zantac pills contain almost 3,000 times the legal allowable limit of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a chemical classified as a probable carcinogen by the FDA, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the World Health Organization. NDMA has been linked to a variety of diseases, including severe liver disease, liver cancer, testicular cancer, and lung cancer.
Because NDMA contamination can increase over time, the FDA in April 2020 told all manufacturers to stop selling Zantac made with ranitidine in the United States. The risk is that the longer the drug sits on the shelf, the greater the amount of NDMA in the drug. Furthermore, the FDA does not know how long NDMA has been in Zantac.
What do Zantac lawsuits claim?
• That Zantac’s design is defective because its active ingredient, ranitidine, is an unstable molecule
• That Zantac was manufactured and used as it was supposed to be
• That Zantac drug label failed to properly warn the public about the risk of cancer
The fact that ranitidine molecules are inherently unstable means that when a person ingests a normal dosage of Zantac, the said active ingredient converts into the carcinogen NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine). Therefore, the presence of NDMA contaminants is a natural occurrence produced by ranitidine’s ingredients.
This means that regardless of which pharmaceutical company manufactured the drug, Zantac, by design, reacts with the body’s chemistry that results in NDMA contamination. This leads to the conclusion that all batches of Zantac are potentially carcinogenic.
Which cancers and other illnesses are included in Zantac lawsuits?
Reports of a wide variety of cancers have come from people who have taken Zantac and have consequently filed lawsuits linked to the drug and NDMA.
According to the data provided by a majority of the doctors who diagnosed people with cancer after taking Zantac, no family history or genetic markers for cancer were found. The doctors advised these patients that the cause for these cancers were something from their environment, which could include NDMA contamination.
Cancers that qualify for Zantac lawsuits:
• Bladder cancer and bladder removal
• Breast cancer
• Colon cancer
• Esophageal cancer
• Kidney cancer and kidney removal
• Liver cancer
• Melanoma
• Ovarian cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Stoma
Cases have revealed that there are other health issues that may appear alongside a Zantac cancer diagnosis. Doctors have also diagnosed Zantac cancer patients with primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) and Crohn’s disease.
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH), a rare lung disorder that causes high blood pressure in the lungs, happens when the blood vessels in the lungs narrow and raise the pressure in the pulmonary artery above normal levels.
Meanwhile, Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, causes the digestive tract to become inflamed and this causes severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, and weight loss.
Is Zantac still being sold?
In April of 2020, a Zantac recall was issued by the FDA in effect, requesting that all name-brand and ranitidine manufacturers withdraw the drug. This was after a warning the FDA issued the previous year. Between those times, more than a dozen manufacturers have made a voluntary recall of their ranitidine medications, including American Health Packaging, Northwind, Glenmark, Novitium Pharma, and GSMS Incorporated.
Retailers also stopped selling ranitidine, including CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. There are, however, alternatives to generic Zantac that do not contain NDMA:
• Pepcid (famotidine)
• Tagamet (cimetidine)
• Nexium (esomeprazole)
• Prevacid (lansoprazole)
• Prilosec (omeprazole)
Who is qualified to file a Zantac lawsuit?
Based on the past and current lawsuits filed by Zantac lawyers, there are three conditions that must be met to potentially qualify for a lawsuit:
• Proven Zantac use - Potential claimants need to prove they took Zantac or other ranitidine products, including providing proof of prescription through medical records, or in over-the-counter cases, a receipt and other evidence such as a statement or doctor’s note.
• Cancer diagnosis - Cancer is the main injury claimed in Zantac and ranitidine lawsuits. That means potential claimants must have a diagnosis of a type of cancer linked to NDMA. Main cancers associated with NDMA in claims include stomach, intestine, colorectal, bladder, esophageal, and liver cancer.
• Connection between cancer diagnosis and Zantac - The higher the medication doses taken, the more consistently it can help prove the connection. Furthermore, the duration of time someone has used the drug also affects the case. In some cases, claimants should have taken the drug for at least a year before receiving a cancer diagnosis.
How much compensation can be received for Zantac lawsuits?
The Zantac litigation has incurred some delays because of the COVID 19 pandemic. As a result, there have been no Zantac lawsuit payouts yet, because talks of settlement usually happen when the trial starts. However, litigation is now proceeding according to schedule.
The outcome of these bellwether trials will help gauge how much payout victims can demand. As no amount of money can make up for getting cancer, attorneys are understandably aiming for a considerable amount of Zantac lawsuit payout.
Start the fight today
If you or a loved one has taken Zantac and developed cancer, we urge you to take action. At The Jones Law Firm, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible legal services. Our team is built on the principles of commitment, compassion, and hard work - our most important asset is you.
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